I know it isn't even Halloween yet, but if the stores can start selling Christmas stuff already, I should be able to make a blog post about it, right? Christmas is my favorite time of year. I love the Christmas feeling - it settles in the very first night that snow falls silently around me, lighting up the dark with that "Christmas Blue", and it doesn't leave again until the New Year. Christmas music puts me in a fantastic mood. I listen to it in the car, while I'm cleaning the house, and especially while I'm decorating cookies. Last year, my little brother, an amazing self-taught musician, decided to get his musical buddies together and make their own Christmas CD. I was excited about the idea, but I was even more excited when he asked if
I wanted to cover a song. In fact, he let me cover one and do a parody of another. When it was almost time for the CD's release, several of his friends backed out and the track list was shorter than he had hoped for. My friend, Jeremiah, and I came to the rescue (okay, he could've done this without us, but the CD would've been shorter). We each wrote our own Christmas song to add to the playlist and the CD was a total hit. I'm not sure how many copies were distributed, but I think it was around 50. Anyway, we all worked really hard on it and I thought it would be cool to share an original Christmas song from that CD with everyone. (I hope it works). Without further ado, I give you "Santa Got A Wii" by Lindsey Smith and Jeremiah Croskrey...
Amazon has a "free Christmas song a day" every day in December. Check it out!