Friday, March 27, 2009

Baby Brain

Okay, so I've heard the term "baby brain" thrown around by various preggos I have known, but without ever understanding what it meant.  Well, let me tell you: I know what it means now.  The last week has been insane.  It started with dropping things once in a while.  Then I started forgetting random things that I normally would have remembered.  Tonight, I kept messing up at Dr. Mario.  That sounds dumb, but I am really good at Dr. Mario!!  Or I used to I just flip the pills the wrong way and drop them to the side of where I should.  And also tonight, I couldn't solve any of the Wheel Of Fortune puzzles.  I can ALWAYS solve the Wheel Of Fortune puzzles.  I'm losing it.  I can't even type as accurately these days.  Oh, and forget about speaking.  I can't find the words I need anymore.  And once in a while, I use a word that doesn't even remotely come close to what I meant.  I feel SO frustrated.

I looked it up - it's a real thing.  The book says that during the 4th month, you'll feel like you're not quite together - you're scattered, forgetful, drop things, have trouble concentrating... well, guess what?  I just started the 4th month.  It was like clockwork.  So that's where I'm at.  Frustrated, stupid, forgetful, uncoordinated, and basically just retarded.  It's making me really mad.